Review-Wardah Lipstick

Wardah cosmetic comes from Indonesia, first time i use this lipstick (Chestnut-49) very surprising, colors that i choose really fits with me, lipstick color doesn't change when it is applied to my lips :D i cant really remember the price, maybe between Rp29.000-Rp.32.000 :)  its inexpensive product with a pretty good quality!!!
Corection for this product is........the texture is slightly oily, 
and sticky. Tips before using this lipstick is just pat it on your lips, 
and blend to get a thin layer ;)
but so far i really love it, I'll try the other colors girllllsss :p
this color certainly is extremely safe (Chestnut-49)
great for every makeup :D

Love to see your comment, 
or let me know if you try this product with other colours&how good for you :)

Catch me on FacebookEmail, or comment down below  for question 
or what u need to see on my blog :)


  1. canteekkk kali kakk warnanyaa,,,
    tapi bikin kering kah kak?

    1. ihihi iya ini favorite ku :) ga buat kering say, malah agak oily sebenarnya di bibir :)

  2. besokk aq cari deh kakk,,,
    ini seri exklisive lips ya kakk?
    oiaa kakakk dari pdg jg ya?

  3. beneran langka seri yang ini kakk :)

  4. hi Cheryl, i'm shani dari bali (your new follower), lam kenal ya :D
    mind following each other ?

    aq juga seneng banget ama exclusive lipstickny wardah, punyaku yg warna purple rose, bisa diintip di sini :

    Love your blog so muach!!!!! >,,,< hhe
    See u ^^

    1. thankiss shani <3 blog mu juga so lovely :) *virtual Hugss* mhihihihii :p

  5. aku juga pake wardah, ga cuma lipstik, tapi alas bedak sama bedak taburnya... enak banget memang, khusus lipstik, warnanya ga bikin norak gitu trus memang agak oily tapi justru itu pas buat bibir kering kyk aku... ^_^

  6. canteek warnanya. aku juga suka wardah yg nomer 33 itu lo. di aku awet banget :)
    nice review

  7. Saya baru aja beli produk ini, tulisannya bukan Chestnut tp Chesnut, kode dan kemasannya sama.. Ada tips cara mengaplikasikannya? Harus berulang-ulang dioles ke bibir ya? Saya coba pake sekali oles aja hasilnya ga bagus huhu

  8. aku juga pake lipstik ini sis.. bagus warnanya di bibir, n kalo ga dpake makan lumayan tahan lama.. :D


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