Get Your Eyebrow Looks StandOut with Easy Steps?

Have a problem with your eyebrows? find it too thick, or dont fit with the shape? or the colour looks like a gel and sticky? i've a Solution for youuu ;)

1. Prepare ur innocent eyebrow :p
2.  Brush your eyebrow with brushes to clear up your eyebrow

3. Apply concealer from the middle to the end of the eyebrow (for highlighting) 

4&5. Blen Blend Blend :D (with concealer brush
 Make sure where your brow eyebrow shape that fit on you
6. From the natural line, straight line from  your nose
7. Sideways from your nose
8. And sideways from in the corner of your eyes <3

Make a sketch of your brow line you've had match with eyebrow pencil

9. Start from the midlle to avoid the eyebrows are too thick at the tip
10. Sketch till the end of your eyebrow

11. And bring from the middle to the inside (it can help you to control the shape)

Add black eyeshadow to perfect my eyebrows, cause they're not too thick :')
12&13. Do the same steps from 9-11


YOU'RE FINISH :D yeeeeeaaaay ! \m/ 

From right to left (eyebrow brush, concealer brush, concealer, eyebrow pencil, black eyeshadow, small brush)

thankyou for catch my blog <3
dont forget to follow me on this blog and love to read your question/response!

love, cheryl


  1. nice :) tapi kalau anda pakai colour brown lagi cantek :) jgn lupa folow my blog !

  2. cheryl pensil alisnya pake merk apa?? juga concealernya.. ^^

    1. halo Alvianti hihi seneng deh kamu liat postingku sampe sini juga hihihi, pensil alisnya ga branded aku beli di toko2 kosmetik pinggir jalan aja kalo ini, tp cocok jadi udah 3 sampe 4 kali beli barang yang sama :) kalo concealernya aku pake dari elf say ^^


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